Home 고군분투하는 호주인들, 임금 인상 호소 Inflation is currently running at 5.1 per cent but very few Australians have received a pay rise to keep pace with the cost of living. (A Current Affair)

Inflation is currently running at 5.1 per cent but very few Australians have received a pay rise to keep pace with the cost of living. (A Current Affair)

With interest rates on the way up, clothing, food, schooling, housing and other essentials of life will soon follow. (A Current Affair)

Inflation is currently running at 5.1 per cent but very few Australians have received a pay rise to keep pace with the cost of living. (A Current Affair)

With interest rates on the way up, clothing, food, schooling, housing and other essentials of life will soon follow. (A Current Affair)
Inflation is currently running at 5.1 per cent but very few Australians have received a pay rise to keep pace with the cost of living. (A Current Affair)
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